4 Common but Incorrect Assumptions about Legal Custody in Massachusetts: What Does Legal Custody Really Mean?
Guest Post Series: Attorney Nicole K. Levy of Stevenson, Lynch & Owens Explores Massachusetts Law in Search of a Clear Definition for "legal custody" in Massachusetts. There are few family law issues in Massachusetts that inspire more head-scratching confusion and incorrect assumptions than "legal custody". Unlike physical custody , legal custody is an abstract idea that purports to embody a parent’s right to participate in a child's major life decisions. In this blog series we examine four common assumptions about legal custody in Massachusetts and attempt to answer the question: what has a parent who has been awarded legal custody really received? See how we addressed each Assumption: Assumption 1 – Access to School & Medical Records Assumption 2 – Consent to Medical Treatment Assumption 3 – The Shared Custody “Veto Power” Assumption 4 – Presumption of Shared Legal Custody What do Massachusetts Appellate Court Decisi...