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Showing posts from September, 2020

2020 U.S. Presidential Platforms - What do they say about Families?

In 2016 we shared what each presidential platform stated about families and given the upcoming election we want to update our post with the latest information.  There are significant differences between the presidential candidates, and their platforms explain some of the vehemence with which many defend or attack the 2020 candidates.  Since this blog focuses primarily on the impact of the law on families and family conflict, we will concentrate on only one portion of the presidential platforms: How does each 2020 U.S. Presidential Platform address families in America? While in 2016 we indicated that we did not endorse any candidate officially, and we provided the platforms in no particular order, in this election the author (Justin Kelsey) cannot, in good conscience make the same statement.  The republican nominee for president, Donald Trump, has failed to represent equality, freedom, and human rights for all individuals and families in America and he has expressed opinions about powe

Easier than Ever to be Collaboratively Trained!

UPDATE:  The first online training was so well received, MCLC is planning a second.  The next training will be held March 3-5 from 10AM - 4PM. Register here. The Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council's Introduction to Collaborative Law Training won't be stopped by COVID-19.  The training is September 23-25 from 8AM - 2PM via Zoom.  Flyer:  Collaborative Law is a dispute resolution process similar to mediation but with many differences. It is an opportunity to expand your out-of-court negotiation practice, to increase your negotiation skill-set, and to provide additional service options to your clients.  If you've heard about Collaborative Law but you're still not sure, learn more about Collaborative Law by watching this 4-part video series , or reach out to me directly to schedule a meeting to discuss . Register and Learn more here! More Info on the Training: Save time, money, and your commute in this virtual IACP approved basic training in collaborative law.  Lear