We received the following question as an Anonymous Comment on our previous post: Alimony Reform and Child Support: What will Change? How will you calculate child support in a case where the dependent spouse does not have physical custody and the incomes of the parties are grossly disparate? With the new Alimony Reform in Massachusetts taking effect on March 1, 2012, we have been hearing this question a lot. Although it is an unusual situation to have the custodial parent also be the higher earning spouse, it does happen. Under the new Alimony statute: "For purposes of setting an alimony order, the court shall exclude from its income calculation: (1) Capital gain income and dividend and interest income which derives from assets equitably divided between the parties under Section 34; and (2) Gross income which the court has already considered for setting a child support order whether pursuant to the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines or otherwise; provided th...

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