I get this question from lawyers a lot who are wondering if a particular training will "certify" them to be mediators. In fact, I just received an inquiry today related to the upcoming 40-hour online mediation training provided by Divorce Mediation Training Associates (more info below): Are Mediators in Massachusetts Certified? What Mediation Training results in a Certification? In Massachusetts there is no government certification or license provided by the Commonwealth certifying mediators. There are some court rules and statutory provisions, however, that require a 30 hour training for certain activities and I believe this is where the misconception about "certification" stems. The court rules and statutes that require training are: Under the mediator confidentiality statute, Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 233, Section 23C , mediators who have taken at least 30 hours of training and meet other requirements, have confidentiality protections in the...

Read about mediation, collaborative law, and divorce in Massachusetts, with content from Skylark Law & Mediation PC, Gray Jay Endeavors LLC, and Dispute Resolution Training Associates.
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