Update: Use our 2017 Guidelines Calculator here. Every four years the Child Support Guidelines in Massachusetts are updated by a Task Force appointed by the Chief Justice of the Trial Court. In 2013 the Guidelines were updated and significant changes were made to the formula and to the parenting time language. The Guidelines have been updated again for 2017, and the new guidelines take effect on September 15, 2017. These are the primary changes: 1. Change in Format Previous Guidelines contained a few footnotes, but for the most part were free of commentary. The 2017 Guidelines include Principles and Comments to assist parties and the Court in interpreting and applying the Guidelines. 2. Raising the Minimum Amount of Child Support to $25 per week: The minimum amount of child support since 2002 has been $80 per month ($18.46 per week). The Task Force recommended raising this amount to $25 per week to reflect updated economic data. This min...

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