I am Attorney [INSERT NAME HERE] and I FIGHT for my clients! This is a common description on an attorney's website. They want you to know that they would be your champion! If you hire them you won't have to worry about your problem anymore. They'll take that monkey off your back. But is that true? Is it realistic? Is it really what you want? While the job of an attorney is often described as zealous advocacy, to equate that with fighting is to misunderstand the work of an effective attorney. Zealous advocacy means that your attorney is working hard to accomplish your goals. Unless your goal is to create conflict and start an expensive legal battle, then "fighting" is probably the last thing you want your attorney to start with. Consider these two examples: Example 1 - The Stolen Website Copy: You find out that one of your competitors has stolen copyrighted material from your website and reprinted it on their website. You call y...

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