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CPR: Co-Parenting with Respect: A program designed for parents who want to co-parent more effectively.

Guest Post Introduction: Jill Reiter LICSW and 2 other highly trained and experienced mental health professionals combined their education, years of experience and knowledge to create a well thought out educational program that addresses the complications involved in co-parenting through and after divorce. This program has been implemented in the Denver area with great success! The Co-Parenting with Respect or CPR program is now available in Concord, MA.

Jill provided us with the following guest post describing the CPR Program:

CPR: Co-Parenting with Respect:
A program designed for parents who want to co-parent more effectively.

Co-Parenting with Respect through and after divorce is a concept that has been plaguing parents, attorneys, therapists, judges and children for years. How do we assist families in high conflict to continue to interact respectfully in an effort to offer their children what they need in spite of their current personal struggles?

How does the CPR Program work?

The CPR Program involves the whole family:

Any parents who were never married, separating, divorcing or post divorce, which are experiencing conflict in the area of parenting their children. Parents must attend together. If remarried or co-habitating step parents must attend too. Parents with restraining orders may get this modified and attend as well. (Safety concerns will be considered and precautions instituted)

The CPR program gives everyone a voice:

The CPR program in total is 10 hours over 6 weeks and is delivered in 3 phases.

1. Child Voice session: the children use the first hour only! for purposes of gleaning information on how the children are experiencing their parents conflict and what they would like to see change. We do this by giving the children developmentally appropriate activities that allow the children to express their thoughts and feelings in a safe and constructive manner. We tell children that this will be used for the purposes of helping their parents to better meet their needs and work out their differences (or some variation thereof).

2. Parent’s sessions: Total of 4 two-hour sessions that delve into the heart of respectful communication, how this relates to the needs of their children and exercises on how to implement the techniques and skills taught in the class. CPR goes beyond just the "how to" and "why" by assisting client’s co-parenting skills through practice sessions and building on what they already know. This individualized program implements curriculum on healing and moving beyond the conflict of the past to focus on the children now.

3. Family Commitment session: This is the final 1 hour session where the entire family convenes in the office and parents deliver (a very well thought out and practiced response) to their children focusing on, not only the content of the children's concerns and experiences, but what they have learned in the class and the commitment they will make to their children.

The CPR Program is affordable:

The program is designed to be affordable! The CPR staff realizes the enormous costs associated with divorce including attorney's fees or GAL fees, lost work due to court time and court fees, let us not forget parking and the emotional cost of all of the above!) In its entirety is $600 per parent. That is only $120 per hour for a program that could drastically change the course of their lives. The fees are collected at the time of registration and non-refundable if parents choose not to finish the program.

We also strive to be flexible in the area of scheduling. Daytime and Evening hours are available and occasionally even weekends.

Through the experience of the CPR staff, we realized that ongoing support and accountability are necessary for the sustainability of the skills learned and practiced throughout the program. We there for developed what we term “Booster sessions”. These sessions are in addition to the structured program; therefore clients will pay for these separately at the time of the session.

We recommend that clients end their family commitment session by scheduling their follow up in 3 months. This will further solidify the need to implement and carry out the plans that were outlined in the final session. The entire family would come to the follow up meeting.

The CPR Program has proven success:

CPR is a very well thought out program that is delivered in a safe and comfortable environment. Clients have literally changed the course of the lives of their families by working through their old patterns and developing healthy styles of interaction and communication patterns that focus on the health and well being of their children.

You can read more on the CPR program by visiting or call Jill Reiter LICSW directly to register today! 978-424-1170.


  1. Kevin Massaro, Esq. (Denver, CO)August 16, 2012 at 10:27 PM

    During her time in the Denver area, Jill Reiter was an amazing co-parenting coach and therapist. If you can, use her. She gets it...and can get even difficult people to get it, too. It is money very well spent. I wish she was still in Colorado but the next best thing is for the nice folks in Concord to work with this amazing professional. One of the very best.

  2. I worked with Jill Reiter on several caees, served with her on the board of a multidisciplinary group, and we were both members of the Academy for Collaborative Law Practice (a multi-disciplinary group for collaboratively trained attorneys, mental health practitioners and financial specialists). During her time in Colorado, Jill Reiter gained the respect of the judges in our district courts as well as the family law practitioners, mental health experts and financial people who assist families in transition. You would be fortunate to be able to connect with Jill as a therapist, evaluator, coach or fellow professional.

  3. Jill Reiter's move to Mass. has left a hole in the options for therapy for children in the Arapahoe and Douglas County area in Colorado. She is excellent as a therapist. I also worked with her in Collaborative Law Cases and she was a wonderful, compassionate and insightful coach for our clients. This CPR program sounds like it would be beneficial and I will recommend it to my clients.

  4. When Jill was here in Colorado working with families and children she handled some of the most difficult cases and some of the most difficult people. She was tireless in her dedication and seemed to be able to work miracles. She can deal with all sorts of issues, cases involving children and parents with true mental illness and those involving poor communication skills. We really miss her.

  5. A traditional family doesn't always make sense today and sometimes what we really want is be able to bring children into this world and to raise them in a supportive environment. That's why you should choose the perfect co-parenting match.


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