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Getting some perspective while shaving my head!

The posts on this blog usually relate to updates in divorce law and advice on how to experience a better and less traumatic divorce.  Divorce is considered to be the second most traumatic event a person can experience, and we find that helping our clients get through that experience is fulfilling work.

But last weekend, I participated in an event where many of the people had experienced the most traumatic type of life event: the loss of a family member to cancer.   At the One Mission Kid's Cancer Buzz-Off, 450 participants and their families gathered to support the families of kid's with cancer, and the event was an amazing success that I was honored to be a part of it.

While I am lucky to have two healthy daughters, there was a time in my oldest daughter's life where she had to spend one month in the hospital.  It was the hardest thing my wife and I have ever experienced, and I can't imagine how hard it is for families with children in cancer treatment which can last, not just months, but years.

So when I heard about the Buzz-Off event I decided I could put my long hair to good purpose and through the generosity of more than forty donors, I was able to raise more than $1,500 for the event.  Overall the 450 participants raised $560,000.

This past Saturday, June 3, 2012, I attended the Buzz-Off with my family to fulfill my promise to those donors of shaving my head.

The Buzz-Off was held in the club seat section at Gillette stadium and was very well organized.  There was face-painting and balloon animals for the children and the head shaving kicked-off around 9:30 A.M. with Rob Gronkowski starting things off.  After Rob, there were numerous interviews with the families that were shaving their heads together.  While I waited for my buzzing at 11:00, I listened to the reasons that so many others had been inspired to raise money as well.

One story in particular stuck with me, where a father described how he and his boys were shaving all of their heads in memory of their 18 month old child who had died of cancer.  All of us were there to help families just like his, and his strength in memory of his family's sacrifice was truly moving.

So if you see me in the next few weeks with my buzzed hair, consider it a reminder of the real sacrifice that many families experience and remember that whatever you may be going through, a little perspective never hurts.  I hope by sharing this experience with you that you will find it as inspiring as I did.

I want to thank everyone who donated and supported my involvement in this event.  If you want to learn more click the below links for:

More information about One Mission's Buzz-Off program;

Pictures of the Buzz-Off 2012;

Registration for the Buzz-Off 2013; or

You can still DONATE for the 2012 event until September.



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