This ground for "fault"-based divorced is rarely used for a few reasons. First, there is no advantage gained when compared to a "no fault" divorce. Second, proving that your spouse has either grossly or wantonly and cruelly not provided suitable support is a very difficult. Simply putting one spouse on a very limited allowance or refusing to allow access to bank or credit card statements doesn't meet this evidentiary burden. You also have to prove that the spouse who has allegedly refused or neglected to provide suitable support actually has "sufficient ability" to provide support. This needs to be an intentional (and I would argue complete) economic abandonment.
When dealing with alimony and the division of property, any divorce action claiming that one spouse has grossly or wantonly and cruelly refused to provide suitable support and maintenance, or one filed on "no fault" grounds but with identical facts, will likely have a motion for temporary orders filed soon after the complaint seeking temporary alimony payments.
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