On Wednesday, May 26, 2010, the Massachusetts House of Representatives will vote on legislation to reform Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) laws ( House No. 4703 ). According to the MBA "The purpose of CORI reform is to better facilitate the rehabilitation of offenders back into society and thereby increase public safety. We support efforts to correct some of the unfairness and injustice which occurs by the continued presence and use of inaccurate CORI. CORI laws need to be revised to provide our citizens with greater accuracy, earlier sealing of records and greater clarity in the reports." The Massachusetts Senate has already passed sentencing legislation that included similar CORI reform and passage of the House Bill will result in a committee being formed to iron out the differences between the two bills (the next step towards having the legislation enacted). These reforms to the CORI system are supported by the MBA and you should call your state representatives ...

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