Every four years, per federal requirements, the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines must be reviewed. To that end, the Trial Court Chief Justice Paula M. Carey has announced the formation of the 2020-2021 Massachusetts Trial Court Child Support Guidelines Task Force . The Task Force is seeking public comment regarding the current Child Support Guidelines. Written comments may be submitted to the Task Force at: childsupport@jud.state.ma.us by December 15, 2020. While we're awaiting the new guidelines, the court has finally updated their existing interactive worksheet to be more accessible . The worksheet has been available as an interactive PDF since the last guidelines update in 2018. However, the pdf doesn't work in all readers, and on mobile devices it may not be accessible. The Court has now released a web-version of the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet which can be used in any browser or mobile device. The pdf option is still available as ...

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