There are three typical ways a divorce process can end: Reconciliation, Judgment, or Settlement. Very few cases reconcile once a divorce process is started, and very few cases go all the way to Judgment. In other words, most divorce cases settle, either before going to court, or at some time during the court process. But settlement takes lots of different forms , and those different forms can have a significant impact on whether people feel good about their settlement or not. Many clients and potential clients have asked me if there is any statistical research on outcomes for different processes, or even whether there is any data on whether a particular process is considered more "successful" than other options. Unfortunately, I am not aware of any large scale study comparing Mediation, Collaborative Law, Arbitration, Self-Help Negotiation and Litigation, or even anything close to comprehensive. There is some research comparing mediation and litigation...

Read about mediation, collaborative law, and divorce in Massachusetts, with content from Skylark Law & Mediation PC, Gray Jay Endeavors LLC, and Dispute Resolution Training Associates.
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