Post by Julie Tolek * Mediation is often referred to as “facilitated negotiation” or a form of voluntary dispute or conflict resolution. Using these terms to describe mediation automatically brings to mind scenarios where couples are fighting over a problem or situation that has already happened. But what if we turned that process around and reversed it? What if we mediated a plan before something bad happens? Using mediation as a planning tool to help facilitate negotiation and communication before something bad happens can be equally as valuable (and sometimes even more so) than applying mediation to solve a current problem. After something bad happens, emotions are usually raging, parties are sensitive, often angry, and sometimes even vindictive. If you have ever tried to solve a problem (or even have a conversation) with someone who is in a bad mood or having a bad day, you already know it’s like talking to a wall. Now imagine if you try to plan for potential issues befo...

Read about mediation, collaborative law, and divorce in Massachusetts, with content from Skylark Law & Mediation PC, Gray Jay Endeavors LLC, and Dispute Resolution Training Associates.
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