A financial statement is required in every divorce, paternity, and child support action in Massachusetts. The financial statement is one of the most important papers that you will file with the Court. A financial statement will be required every time you appear in Court when there is an issue relating to finances, and you must sign your financial statement under the pains and penalties of perjury that the information contained in the financial statement is complete, true, and accurate. In a divorce case, Massachusetts Supplemental Probate Court Rule 401 provides that, within 45 days after the date of service of the Summons, each party must serve on the other party a complete and accurate financial statement. Rule 401 also allows the parties to make a request for financial statement as well. The form of the financial statement which each party must complete is dependent upon his or her income. A party whose income equals or exceeds $75,000.00 must complete the l...

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