Asking why Section 3 is on the new child support guidelines worksheet is like asking why bad things happen to good people. Everyone has a different theory and none of them are really satisfying. The 2009 Child Support Guidelines Worksheet had two sections which broke the worksheet down into an Income Section and a Calculation Section, with a resulting recommended child support amount. The new 2013 Child Support Guidelines worksheet changes these two sections and the calculations, which he have discussed previously . In addition, the 2013 guidelines added a new section, Section 3 titled: AVAILABLE INCOME ABOVE $4,808 (If applicable.) In cases where the combined household income is less than $4,808 per week ($250,000 per year), Section 3 will show all zeros. However, if the family income exceeds this figure, Section 3 displays the proportional amount that each party has left-over in gross income after using the first $4808 per week in combined income to calcu...

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