On August 1, 2013, the new Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines took effect. The new guidelines contain numerous language changes which affect the interplay of child support and other issues in a divorce or paternity case; touching on everything from shared parenting to college education costs. In addition, the child support formula and the worksheet for the 2013 guidelines is significantly different than then 2009 guidelines. The court has issued a new worksheet which is required if you are filing any matter in the Probate & Family Court that involves support of children. To assist you in completing this form Kelsey & Trask. P.C. and Finn & Eaton, P.C. have created the following user-friendly apps: Massachusetts Child Support Calculator for the iPhone by Kelsey & Trask, P.C. MA Child Support Calculator for Android by Finn & Eaton, P.C. Massachusetts Divorce Information for Windows Phone by Kelse...

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